Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter


about SMS marketing


Stories of family violence do not make headlines but affect people of all ages, gender, and background. As social and interactive medias emerge and become part of the day-to-day communication channels, the organization needed new ways to stay accessible, effective, and connected to their users. Mobile technology is also making information more transparent and content more readily available than the Internet. Therefore, the organization's marketing and communications strategies also needed to keep up.

about SMS marketing

Solutions include:

Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter Men's Counselling Services
about SMS marketing


A coherent and consistent brand was created as an update to all of the organization's internal and external communications so that a clear brand message and promise can be flexibly shared among the community of users and supporters.

about SMS marketing

Solutions include:

Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
  • Branding, presentation folder, tax receipt design & production
  • Program brochures design & production
  • Workbook & handbook design & production
  • Outdoor signage design & production
  • Tulip Awards 2015 program booklet design & production
about SMS marketing

The audiences are given the convenience of engaging with the brand in all formats available on print, web, and mobile. Based on today's media expectations, user experience and involvement are just as important as what the organization has to offer in content and context.

about SMS marketing

Solutions include:

Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
  • Tulip Awards 2013 program booklet design & production
  • Text-to-Donate campaign
  • Fundraising campaign, Turning Points 2015-2016 print collateral design & production
about SMS marketing


Not only has the investment in new technology and streamlined solutions helped more women, men, seniors and youths, it has also helped the organization reduce ongoing operational costs. This sustainable cycle drew praise from new sponsors and supporters already deeply involved with the cause.

about SMS marketing

Solutions include:

Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter
  • Text-to-Donate campaign
  • Mobile marketing & tracking system
about SMS marketing
about SMS marketing